Disocrd Marketing


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  • Reports generator


    Using the JavaFX runtime and some streamed CSV JDBC, the report generator was designed to quickly produce provisional quotes as a branded Excel file using Apache POI.

    • JavaFX
    • Reporting
    • CSV
    • XSLX
    • POI
  • Web Dashboard

    Xperidia Private Manager

    Creating a dashboard page in HTMl/CSS that communicate with a PHP API. OAuth login is made with Steam and Discord.

    • HTML5
    • Design
    • UX
    • CSS
  • Document Parsing

    PDF Parser

    A group project aimed at generating summary from PDF.
    I wrote the both the front-end in CEF and the back-end in Python using NLP toolkits.

    • CEF
    • NLP
    • PDF Summary
    • Python

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