Things that I've Built
Here's a showcase of some of my favorite projects
SuperH Emulator
A simple yet powerful CPU emulator, capable of emulating a subset of SuperH instructions.
It is built in Python with TKinter Canvas that provide a cool GUI. -
ETL Search Engine
This tool was made to provide search capacity among ETL-extracted sensor data.
It was using a synoptic parser and a fast-index search library. -
Federated Social Network
Using a minimal MVC framework and a hand-coded REST API, this application wanted to clone Twitter by bringing real-time messaging features.
Hotel Booking Engine
Re-Implementing UX from popular booking website to make a smooth and responsive booking UX (even on mobile !) and see where it goes
Messaging Broker
O3one MQ
Based on the lightweight ØMQ protocol, this tool was a hands-on message broker project.
It integrates a Flask based REST API and a Bootstrap 4 front-end with Jinja2 templates. MMAP was the chosen way of transporting data. -
Reports generator
Using the JavaFX runtime and some streamed CSV JDBC, the report generator was designed to quickly produce provisional quotes as a branded Excel file using Apache POI.
Phaser web IDE
Phaser Studio
Building a PhaserJS IDE using reactive binding with Svelte and TypeScript object mapping from PhaserJS. The scenes are passed from CustomEvent and listed in Inspector view.
Distributed Music Player
VoKal Desktop
A music player project syncing itself from a stream server. It was part of an important ecosystem and provided the user GUI.
Graph Viewer
Animator Graph Viewer
Visualize class relationships and animations with a d3.js-based interface using Vite and Svelte. Class parsing done with Node script.
Reviving with Deno
GDocs Refactoring
Modernizing the GDocs documentation generator using Deno and Svelte for better performance and development workflow.
OVH Legacy analysis
Re-Implementing the OVH Manager control panel in order to understand why it's so slow. Spoiler alert, Legacy code is to blame there !
Machine Learning Visualisation
REImu Watch
A cool SvelteJS + TailwindCSS dashboard using ApexChart to visualise data from a machine learning model. The site is static, but fetch database generated by an ETL Python script
Headless personal Blog
Building my (old) personal blog with VueJS 2 as an headless blog that fetch data from Symfony API
Software Licensing
RapidSoft GraphStream
An old-times Windows inspired Java Swing application that's bundled using a DevOps Pipeline.
I wrote my own DRM with a Serial-Number based activation, put some obfuscation and a custom jar protection using cryptography and hot class load. -
API Study
Discord's Gateway V6
Re-implementing the V6 of the discord API using their docs and FastAPI.
Using their react client, it makes possible to create an account, login, create or join a server, and send or receive messages. 2FA and other security protocols are also implemented. -
Document Parsing
PDF Parser
A group project aimed at generating summary from PDF.
I wrote the both the front-end in CEF and the back-end in Python using NLP toolkits. -
Discord in SvelteKit
Implementing some of the Discord UI and learning how they do VirtualScroller, with Sveltekit once more !
A better file listing
Games Center
Frustrated from the Apache default index page, I decided to write a simple single file web app under constraints
Status Page
Server status page
I build my own simple status page to display service status and monitor downtimes
TailWind CSS practice
Discord's Landing page clone
Trying to make an almost-identical clone of the Discord landing page with TailwindCSS and SvelteJS
Web Dashboard
Xperidia Private Manager
Creating a dashboard page in HTMl/CSS that communicate with a PHP API. OAuth login is made with Steam and Discord.