Things that I've Built

Here's a showcase of some of my favorite projects

  • SuperH Emulator


    A simple yet powerful CPU emulator, capable of emulating a subset of SuperH instructions.
    It is built in Python with TKinter Canvas that provide a cool GUI.

    • SuperH Emulator
    • Python
    • TKinter
    • Canvas
    • CPU ISA
  • ETL Search Engine


    This tool was made to provide search capacity among ETL-extracted sensor data.
    It was using a synoptic parser and a fast-index search library.

    • TailWind CSS
    • Python
    • SvelteJS
    • LunrJS
  • Federated Social Network


    Using a minimal MVC framework and a hand-coded REST API, this application wanted to clone Twitter by bringing real-time messaging features.

    • jQuery
    • PHP 7
    • REST
    • Bootstrap
    • PSQL
  • Hotel Booking Engine


    Re-Implementing UX from popular booking website to make a smooth and responsive booking UX (even on mobile !) and see where it goes

    • AstroJS
    • REST
    • DatePicker
    • PoC
  • Messaging Broker

    O3one MQ

    Based on the lightweight ØMQ protocol, this tool was a hands-on message broker project.
    It integrates a Flask based REST API and a Bootstrap 4 front-end with Jinja2 templates. MMAP was the chosen way of transporting data.

    • ØMQ
    • Python
    • Flask
    • Bootstrap
    • MMAP
  • Reports generator


    Using the JavaFX runtime and some streamed CSV JDBC, the report generator was designed to quickly produce provisional quotes as a branded Excel file using Apache POI.

    • JavaFX
    • Reporting
    • CSV
    • XSLX
    • POI
  • Phaser web IDE

    Phaser Studio

    Building a PhaserJS IDE using reactive binding with Svelte and TypeScript object mapping from PhaserJS. The scenes are passed from CustomEvent and listed in Inspector view.

    • PhaserJS
    • Web IDE
    • Svelte
    • TypeScript
  • Distributed Music Player

    VoKal Desktop

    A music player project syncing itself from a stream server. It was part of an important ecosystem and provided the user GUI.

    • B4SS
    • JavaFX
    • Distributed
    • Radio Stream
  • Graph Viewer

    Animator Graph Viewer

    Visualize class relationships and animations with a d3.js-based interface using Vite and Svelte. Class parsing done with Node script.

    • D3
    • Svelte
    • Vite
    • UI
    • NodeJS
  • Reviving with Deno

    GDocs Refactoring

    Modernizing the GDocs documentation generator using Deno and Svelte for better performance and development workflow.

    • Deno
    • Svelte
    • Legacy
    • Refactoring
  • OVH Legacy analysis


    Re-Implementing the OVH Manager control panel in order to understand why it's so slow. Spoiler alert, Legacy code is to blame there !

    • SvelteKit
    • REST
    • Legacy
    • PoC
  • Machine Learning Visualisation

    REImu Watch

    A cool SvelteJS + TailwindCSS dashboard using ApexChart to visualise data from a machine learning model. The site is static, but fetch database generated by an ETL Python script

    • Dashboard
    • ApexChart
    • SvelteJS
    • ML Model
  • Headless personal Blog


    Building my (old) personal blog with VueJS 2 as an headless blog that fetch data from Symfony API

    • Vue JS
    • Symfony
    • Headless CMS
  • Software Licensing

    RapidSoft GraphStream

    An old-times Windows inspired Java Swing application that's bundled using a DevOps Pipeline.
    I wrote my own DRM with a Serial-Number based activation, put some obfuscation and a custom jar protection using cryptography and hot class load.

    • Java Swing
    • Crypto
    • Licensing
    • DevOps
  • API Study

    Discord's Gateway V6

    Re-implementing the V6 of the discord API using their docs and FastAPI.
    Using their react client, it makes possible to create an account, login, create or join a server, and send or receive messages. 2FA and other security protocols are also implemented.

    • FastAPI
    • Async REST API
    • WebSocket
  • Document Parsing

    PDF Parser

    A group project aimed at generating summary from PDF.
    I wrote the both the front-end in CEF and the back-end in Python using NLP toolkits.

    • CEF
    • NLP
    • PDF Summary
    • Python
  • Discord in SvelteKit


    Implementing some of the Discord UI and learning how they do VirtualScroller, with Sveltekit once more !

    • SvelteKit
    • REST
    • Discord
    • PoC
    • WiP
  • A better file listing

    Games Center

    Frustrated from the Apache default index page, I decided to write a simple single file web app under constraints

    • Svelte
    • SPA
    • Single File
    • Scraping
  • Status Page

    Server status page

    I build my own simple status page to display service status and monitor downtimes

    • Status Page
    • Python
    • Monitoring
    • Flask
  • SVDX Midi Controller

    SVDX Midi Map

    A deep dive on how to use Midi controller on some rhythm game

    • Python
    • Midi
    • PyGame
    • SVDX
  • TailWind CSS practice

    Discord's Landing page clone

    Trying to make an almost-identical clone of the Discord landing page with TailwindCSS and SvelteJS

    • Tailwind CSS
    • Design Clone
    • Landing Page
  • Web Dashboard

    Xperidia Private Manager

    Creating a dashboard page in HTMl/CSS that communicate with a PHP API. OAuth login is made with Steam and Discord.

    • HTML5
    • Design
    • UX
    • CSS

Something's missing ?

Get in touch to add your awesome project idea here !

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